| Toward a better path than 'do nothing' when you can't resolve a CVE.
Blog archive
| You'll be dearly missed.
| Hashing, n-grams, and bag of words — why is it always you three?
| When unstoppable policy meets immovable code.
| Static images are just like, your opinion, man.
| Catching more flies with SSH than with honey.
| It's actually a frontier.
| It's not you, it's me...mostly.
| Tantalizingly dangerous for amateurs.
| Rocking Hesiod like it's 1987.
| Good writers borrow, great writers fill in the blank.
| Closing out three years building a PaaS on Kubernetes.

| The next best thing to printing a gif.
| Lesser programmers borrow; great programmers steal.
| A guide to using invariants in everyday programming.
| How to hide short messages using the power of non-recursive DNS queries or any other of your favorite Internet caching mechanisms.